Xmas Charity
​17 Invicta Chapter members met at the Llewelyn School for our Christmas visit. The Children and Teachers made us very welcome as always. We presented a Cheque for £1500 which was greatly appreciated.
Everybody was shown around the school and we then watched the children give a very moving concert especially for Invicta Chapter followed by refreshments before moving on.
After a kick about on the new Astro-turf football pitch we said our goodbyes and all went for a lovely lunch in the Quex restaurant.
A good day was had by all.

13 Years of MSHD
At Maidstone Harley-Davidson's 13th Birthday Bash, £598.53 was raised for the Royal British Legion.
A big thank you to all the helpers and those who baked and brought goodies to serve to the multitude. The event was very well attended, lots of Invicta Chapter members plus others from across the South East of England turned up to support the event.
So huge thanks to you as well, it’s always good to show off the bikes and the benefits of being a Chapter member.

Ride To The Wall
This year's RTTW was the usual solemn act of remembrance to remember all service personnel who have lost their lives since 1945 attended by about 7,000 motorcyclists. It is also a time to meet old friends and make new ones.
A group of 15 Invicta Chapter members and friends attended. Some for the day and others stayed the night.
This year we stayed at the Red Lion Atherstone which is 20 miles (30 minutes) south of the National Memorial Arboretum.

Standing With Giants
Members of Invicta Chapter led by Assistant Director Simon Williams formed part of the 200 strong escort for the convoy carrying the statues from Oxford to Portsmouth before their final journey to France.
Standing with Giants will install a staggering 1,475 silhouettes across the wild meadow fields of the British Normandy Memorial called ‘For Your Tomorrow’ in April 2024 - Mid August 2024. The 1,475 giants reflect the number of servicemen who died serving under British command on D-Day itself. The public will be able to see this installation as part of the D-Day 80 commemorations.

New Chapter Director 2024
Past director Colin Barden passes on the director patch to new director John Watson at the February chapter club night.
Congratulation to John on his appointment and many thanks to Colin for all the work has has done for the chapter over the last 5 years.

Remembrance Sunday 2023
This year marks the 105th anniversary of the Armistice of 1918 and Invicta Chapter has again been invited to participate at the Kings Hill Remembrance Service.
On Sunday 12 November Chapter Treasurer Andy Hawley laid a wreath from Invicta Chapter at The Running Airman RAF Memorial in Kings Hill.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning.
We will remember them.

Maidstone HD 2023
At Maidstone Harley-Davidson we are having our birthday event, we are going to offer the Chapter early bird access to the clothing offers from Thursday 2 November. Plus, if anyone spends over £50.00, in clothing, they can collect a free 120th anniversary water bottle in our clothing department. That is not all, Chapter members can show their membership number to our clothing team, and we will give them an additional 10% off clothing sales at the till including sale items.
Thank you for your ongoing support.

Greenwich Park 2023
New Road Captain Stephen Fitzpatrick lead his first ride out of the Chapter along with guests from the Canterbury Indian Riders group up to London for a picnic in Greenwich Park.
The collection of "American Iron" caused quite a stir and became its own tourist attraction.

Invicta Chapter Rally
The annual Chapter Rally for 2023 took place at Quex Park at the end of July. Chapter members 'camped' over the weekend to enjoy ride outs, BBQs, beer and music as well as taking the opportunity to just chill out together. Thank you to everyone who made this weekend memorable, for lots of reasons. It was good to see a mixture of old hands and first timers.

Budapest 2023
Chapter Director Colin led a tour to the Harley Davidson 120th Birthday Celebration. We had a good mix of new and experienced riders and everyone enjoyed the tour and the rally, especially memorable for new member Ged who drew the winning ticket for a 2023 Anniversary Heritage Softail. On stage he was presented with his bike by Karen and Bill Davidson. It should be delivered to Maidstone Harley Davidson in the very near future.

First Breakfast Run 2023
Invicta Chapter's first ride out of the season was also our inaugural breakfast run with bacon rolls and tea provided to tempt us out into the early spring weather. It certainly worked because 26 hardy members got their Harleys out for a chilly ride around the Weald and back. Maidstone Harley-Davidson was also packed with people looking at the new season's bikes. A great atmosphere for a great start to the year, let's look forward to more or the same. The chapter also raised £91.33 for our charity.